Hello and welcome everyone! Thank you for joining the show! I’m really excited about our guest today! Mike is a good friend of mine and President of Near Southside Inc. here in Fort Worth, Texas. Mike took over as NSI’s president in 2018 after leading the organization’s planning and development efforts for 12 years. Mike joined NSI in early 2006 after six years with the City of Fort Worth’s Planning Department, where he managed the Comprehensive Planning division.  Mike has served on the Board of Directors for the Fort Worth Transportation Authority (now Trinity Metro) and on the Fort Worth City Plan Commission. He was the founding chairman and continues to serve on the board of Fort Worth Bike Sharing, Inc.

In addition to those development and placemaking initiatives, NSI is responsible for a wide variety of promotional programs, including festivals and events that attract thousands, and a wide range of business assistance initiatives.

In this episode, we are discuss the basics of Form Based Code, common objections for this type of code, and what situations offer the best opportunities to introduce form based code. I’m excited to dive into this one!

As always, if you have enjoyed the show, please subscribe to the show and share with your friends.

Near Southside Inc. : https://www.nearsouthsidefw.org/ 

Image result for near southside inc.

Show Notes can be found in the “Members Only” page.